What We Do

Practice Areas


Among our work under federal and state laws, regulations, and permits involving water quality and water rights, we have:

  • Defended developer and construction company against multi-million-dollar penalty sought by Water Board for alleged violations of construction storm water permit.
  • Assisted multiple transportation, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and property owners with Water Board orders to investigate alleged contribution of VOCs and petroleum products to groundwater.
  • Defended numerous industrial companies against Notices of Intent to Sue under Clean Water Act.
  • Enforced Clean Water Act compliance against United States, State of California, various municipalities, and companies for alleged violations.
  • Advised property owners regarding water rights in adjudicated basins;
  • Advised boatyard in negotiations with U.S. EPA over alleged storm water violations;
  • Assisted companies regulated under the Industrial General Stormwater Permit with compliance.


Among our work under federal, state, and local waste management statutes and regulations, we have:

  • Defended multi-generational family business in federal court regarding alleged CERCLA/RCRA violations.
  • Defended multiple businesses against RCRA litigation arising from alleged improper oil disposal.
  • Defended multiple businesses from DTSC administrative and litigation enforcement arising from alleged improper handling or transportation of waste.
  • Represented former recycler regarding Unilateral Administrative Order issued by U.S. EPA.
  • Defended former circuit board manufacturer against Water Board litigation concerning alleged discharges to soil and groundwater.
  • Defended manufacturer against City of Los Angeles civil complaint for alleged improper materials handling.


It’s not always about enforcement or litigation. We’re often called upon to provide advice to our clients on environmental issues, such as:

  • Assisted prospective buyers and sellers with the evaluation and negotiation of contaminated property sales.
  • Evaluated the legality of government orders and decisions and advised clients on options.
  • Negotiated permit variances and requests.
  • Consulted for counsel in water-related lawsuits to provide water quality expertise under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, and state law.
  • Provided oversight and guidance on environmental issues during redevelopment and construction projects.
  • Analyzed applicability of state and local regulations for start-up companies.
  • Provided regulatory compliance advice.


While litigation is often at the forefront of our minds, it’s often triggered as a last resort. Among our work, we have:

  • Defended numerous property owners and businesses in federal court litigation under CERCLA and RCRA.
  • Defended property owners against state court litigation brought by DTSC.
  • Assisted an international non-profit organization with federal court litigation under the Clean Water Act against the federal government.
  • Litigated Clean Water Act enforcement cases in federal court on behalf of non-profit organization.
  • Asserted indemnity and cost contribution claims under state and federal laws.
  • Challenged a regional water quality control board permit approval in state court.
  • Defended clients against Water Board enforcement under Porter-Cologne Act.


It’s where most contamination concerns begin.  Among our work assisting clients with compliance, investigations, remediation, and negotiations, we have:

  • Worked with clients and consultants to protect clients’ legal rights during DTSC, EPA, and Water Board-ordered investigations and remediation and achieve “no further action” status.
  • Worked with clients through redevelopment projects to advise on technical reports and findings.
  • Defended clients in litigation and administrative enforcement matters alleging discharges from underground and aboveground storage tanks and materials handling.
  • Assisted real estate attorneys and brokers in evaluating soil and soil vapor conditions and potential effect on legal risks and property values.

Land Use

Among our work involving local land use decisions and CEQA, we have:

  • Assisted developer in CEQA negotiations with non-profit organizations.
  • Represented neighborhood organization with challenge to City of Los Angeles housing project.
  • Assisted non-profit with evaluation and negotiation of conservation easements.
  • Assessed CEQA compliance for shipping terminal.
  • Assessed purchase of former oil property for potential conversion to parkland on behalf of non-profit.
  • Defended property investor from criminal charges and allegations of habitat destruction brought by Fish & Wildlife and County of Riverside.
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